What are the advantages of a driving scrubber?

With the rapid development of industrialization, driving-type scrubbers have gradually begun to enter the Chinese market. Driving-type scrubbers are often used to clean epoxy floors, emery floors, tile floors, and marble floors, etc.

What are the advantages of a driving scrubber?

Generally, they are used in large shopping malls, shopping malls, or large open-air floors. This kind of equipment is used in public places such as squares. Let's take a look at the advantages of the driving scrubber. 1. The driving type scrubber is suitable for cleaning the surface of hard floors such as ceramic tiles, mirrored stones, PVC, epoxy, emery, cement, marble, plastic flooring, small square bricks, etc. It is a large warehouse, store, workshop, exhibition hall, The ideal tool for cleaning the waiting hall and other places.

2. The driving-type scrubber integrates scrubbing and drying. After the general scrubber cleans the ground, the ground will remain wet, while the driving-type scrubber can immediately absorb a small amount of water on the ground to achieve Dry and leave no residue.

3. The driving type scrubber adopts a fully automatic cab operation, which can automatically lift the brush plate. The machine is simple to operate and can clean stains without dead corners. It can also be used to clean up corners that are difficult to consider. Clean without leaving dead ends.

Publication Date: 15 September, 2020


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Suzhou Maxkpa Floor System Machine

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